Our Lady of the Rosary Foundation

 Many early parishioners worked hard to build a magnificent church for Our Lady of the Rosary Parish. We have a  responsibility to see it is properly  maintained and even further enhanced for the next fifty to one hundred years.

Our Parish has taken the historic step of establishing Our Lady of the Rosary Foundation to receive bequests and significant donations for the long-term preservation and enhancement of our wonderful church building.

The primary purpose of the Foundation is to fund major improvements and maintenance of the church buildings for the celebration of Catholic religious rites, for the Parish can continue meeting the community’s spiritual and other needs. One funding example is a likely cost of more than one hundred thousand dollars for the future replacement of the church roof.

The Foundation is not intended to compete with the weekly second collection at Mass, which is required to meet annual running costs and ongoing minor maintenance of the parish.


 Our Lady of the Rosary Foundation has been established in the form of a Trust and is seeking bequests in people’s wills and large one-off donations to build up its Trust Fund.

Donations to the Foundation will form the capital of the Trust Fund, which the Trustees will be required to invest  prudently. The income derived by the Trust Fund can be used for Foundation purposes, with the capital being  accrued to meet major costs in the longer term.

Donors to the Foundation, with their consent, will be  acknowledged on wall plaques within the church which, through their generosity, will be maintained and preserved for many decades to come.

The Foundation is a legally-constituted entity, administered by a Trust Secretary and three Directors who are appointed by the Parish Priest.

This will ensure that the funds are controlled by the Parish and used only for purposes required by the Parish.


For further information you are welcome to contact the Parish Priest, Fr Peter Hoang, or any of the directors.  Use the online inquiry form in the “Contact Us” section of this website.