The Life of Our Parish
The Parish Pastoral Council is a representative body, with the parish priest, religious and laity working together to provide leadership to the parish. The council advises the parish priest and helps to set goals for advancing Christian ministry within the parish.
Among its aims are to engage the parish in the mission of the church in the world, help with apostolic work, promote study and reflection, respond to the needs of the people in the parish and foster and support all parish activities.
It plays an important role in communicating within the parish community and aiding the work of diocesan organisations.
The council meets monthly. Members are co-opted by invitation. President Helen Murray can provide more details as can Elle Aurora in the parish office on 9446 2055 and email
The Word of God is fundamental to the liturgy of the Eucharist. For this reason, those people who do the readings at Mass are known as Proclaimers of the Word. It is their privilege to share God’s Word with the community. This ministry is a form of service for those who possess faith, commitment and confident speaking skills.
Two proclaimers are used at most Masses. One delivers the First Reading and Responsorial Psalm and the other the Second Reading and Gospel Acclamation. The second person also welcomes the congregation before Mass, reads the commentary for the day and leads the Prayers of the Faithful after the Creed.
Proclaimers use a book called Break Open the Word to prepare their readings and assist them with pronunciation.
For more information contact Susanne Whyte on 0413 048 268 and email
Since the introduction of minor changes to the liturgy for the celebration of the Eucharist, weekend Masses have been aided by the display of text on large screens alongside the altar. Prayers and responses by the congregation are projected using PowerPoint slides.
The preparation of these slides every week is the work of a small band of volunteers. They prepare the texts, proofread them and download them onto a laptop computer which is connected during Mass to our digital projection system.
The PowerPoint operators need to arrive early for Mass so they can set up the computer ready for use. They need to be familiar with the Liturgy so they can respond on cue at all the key stages.
Additional volunteers are invited to help provide this important service. Please contact Elle Aurora in the parish office on 9446 2055 and email
Each week it costs about $3000 to run the parish. This money is largely raised through the generous contributors to the Planned Giving program and second collection. (This is quite separate to the proceeds of the first collection which pay for our priests and the priory.)
Contributions to planned giving come in three ways: weekly envelopes, monthly direct debit drawdowns and donations. Currently about 230 families in the parish are regular givers but more are needed to meet the level of annual expenditure.
The Planned Giving and Finance Committees co-ordinate the receipt of parish funds, manage payments for the operation of the parish and distribute envelopes and contribution statements.
Participating in the Planned Giving Program is one of the most tangible means of supporting the work of the parish. Our funding management team would love to hear from anyone willing to join the program or increase their current contributions.
Leave your details with the parish office or contact committee members Doris Zambonetti on 0428 441566 and email